About Us


My imagination was captured in Chicago by a self-described, “skinny dude with the funny name.” Before I knew it he was elected to the U.S. Senate. In 2004, I’m living in Southern Cal watching the Democratic National Convention and impacted by his speech. It wasn’t the same old politics – the audacity of it all. This year he announces that he’s running for President.

Amigos de Obama and the Como Se Dice? Como Se Llama? OBAMA! OBAMA! ‘08 outreach campaign was created to fill a void in media outreach to Latinos. Every election year, last minute, anemic voter registration drives yield little success. Media campaigns often consist of TV spots showing candidates speaking a few words of Spanish in an attempt to win Latino votes or attack ads about ‘illegal aliens’ to scare non-Latino voters.

We are desperately seeking a voice that speaks authentically. Race and politics aside, it’s leadership not sound bites that we need. If you claim to be compassionate, show it. If you preach unity, help us unify and heal our great divide. If you want our vote, earn it. Be real. Barack Obama represents a defining moment for our generation. We have an opportunity to be agents of change and bring awareness to the Latino community.

We all have a unique story. It doesn’t matter that I’m Mexican-American, born in East LA, raised in Utah, lived in DC and worked on the South-side of Chicago. What matters is what I’m doing now and how I’m helping my neighbor, my brother.

Miguel Orozco


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© 2007. Nueva Vista Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Music and lyrics for “Como Se Dice…Como Se Llama (OBAMA, OBAMA) are copywritten and may not be used without the expressed written consent of Nueva Vista Media, Inc.