Obama Inspires a Latin Rhythm
Wall Street Journal
March 10, 2008

CNN Headline News

¡Viva Obama!...a ritmo de mariachi
El precandidato demócrata ya tiene su corrido. Un poderoso instrumento para conquistar el voto latino.
El Universal
Viernes 22 de febrero de 2008

Press Releases
“¡Viva Obama!” Promotes Presidential Candidate to Latinos in Texas
Burbank, CA.- February 20, 2008. As part of a Latino outreach campaign, Nueva Vista Media has produced a mariachi song entitled “¡Viva Obama!” to promote Presidential candidate Barack Obama in Texas and motivate Latinos to vote in the upcoming Democratic primary on March 4, 2008.

In the News
Viva Obama! Barack gets the Mariachi treatment
AFP – February 21, 2008

February 20, 2008

Mariachi to lift the soul and get out the vote
Austin American-Statesman - Feb 20, 2008

“Viva Obama”
Salon.com – February 20, 2008

Latino Politics: Mariachi Style
AdAge.com (subscription) - Feb 19, 2008

Press Releases
Latino Outreach Campaign Promotes Barack Obama in Key Primary States

May 30, 2007
Nueva Vista Media, has launched an outreach campaign, “Amigos de Obama,” to promote Presidential candidate Barack Obama and motivate Latinos to vote in key primary states. The campaign’s slogan and song: “¿Cómo Se Dice… Cómo Se Llama? Obama, Obama” is featured on the website: www.amigosdeobama.com, along with downloadable MP3, ringtones and blog. The website’s goal is to organize “Amigos de Obama” groups in key primary states where Latinos could represent the swing vote.

In the News
Para los admiradores de Obama

June 8, 2007
The Boston Globe

In the News
Candidatos aprovechan el uso de la internet

June 13, 2007
La Opinión

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